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Chinese University Teachers in Deggendorf

Embassadors of the German Education system to the world: 80 Chinese University teachers at Deggendorf Institute of Technology

In the summer holidays of 2017, more than 80 excellent teachers from more than 10 higher education institutes from China took part in an advanced study program in a public German University of Applied Sciences.

The program was widely covered by local media and strongly supported by local authorities and enterprises.

The expert panel consisted of prestigious scholars, chief of administrative units, department heads, professors and lab engineers of Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT).

The academic activities covered lectures, surveys, academic inspections and seminars. This program was a high-level comprehensive academic exchanges characterized by close combination of survey and academic study and in-field inspection.

After finishing the study program all teachers returned to their homeland Universities in China, acting as a multiplicator and spreading the knowledge they have gained in Germany.