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Open borders

First border opening for non-EU countries

Germany opens the border to eight non-EU countries

Germany opens the border to eight non-EU countries

German Universities welcome back all international students (Picture: Stefan Floss)

Germany has opened its borders to several non-EU countries, thanks to declining Covid19 cases. 

Starting from July 2nd, 2020 residents from the following countries are allowed to enter Germany: 


  • Australia
  • Georgia
  • Canada 
  • Montenegro
  • Neu Zealand
  • Thailand
  • Tunesia
  • Uruguay

Chinese students with an valid Admission Letter from a German University are allowed to enter, too. The Admission Letter has to confirm that the student is required to be at the University in person (not only online activities). 

There will be no mandatory quarantine measures upon arrival for the mentioned countries. 

BSK International and German Universities welcome all international students back.